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Medical Office Administration Certificate Program In Vancouver


Applications are accepted continually throughout the year.

To apply fill out the form by clicking the below button.

Join Medical Office Administration Certification

Brief Program Description

Medical Office assistants perform a variety of duties in doctor’s offices, dental offices, hospitals, medical clinics and other medical settings and include a variety of administrative duties in support of managerial and health care professionals.
The Medical Office Assistant Program provides an introductory entry-level career path for international and resident students to gain the base competencies to assist (under the supervision and work alongside health care professionals)

Program duration

6 courses / 20 hours each = 120 hours total

Career Opportunities: Base entry level: ·

  • Medical Office Support Staff
  • Medical Office Assistant / Secretary
  • Clinical Office Assistant / Secretary
  • Shared Clinic / Medical Centre Reception
  • Seasonal Support – Transcription
  • Office Support, Long Term Care Facilities

Admission Requirements

  • High school diploma/ equivalent certification.
  • Basic computer skills;
  • Good writing skills. 
  • Successful entrance interview/exam covering computer skills and writing skills.
  • Show documented evidence of IELTS 5.5 or equivalency. Alternatively, students can take the College language proficiency exam.

Program learning objectives/outcomes

On graduation. learners will be able to: ·

  • Outline the typical responsibilities of a medical office assistant.

  • Describe the personal and professional ethics required for success in this profession.

  • Describe how a medical front office is typically managed, focusing on administrative processes and procedures.

  • Explain the procedures to follow to create and maintain accurate medical documentation

  • Using standard medical terminology, explain the structures of key functions in the human body

  • Identify and describe the medical office assistant’s role in standard patient interactions in the medical office, including in-office diagnostic tests and procedures, specimen sampling, medication administration, and the preparation of patients for examination.

  • Describe universal precautions and explain how to maintain a safe environment in the medical office, even during emergency situations.


Registration fee$250
Material fee$150
Assessment fee$170
This program does not require approval by the registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training.