Construction Management Certificate


Applications are accepted continually throughout the year.

To apply fill out the form by clicking the below button.

Construction Management Certificate         

Brief Program Description

DEA Canadian College can provide you with an in-depth look at what is in involved in a career in construction management. From understanding how to read an independent contractor agreement, to estimating projects costs and coordinating scheduling, DEA Canadian College can help you learn about a variety of important construction jobs in a number of settings. Our quality curriculum offers comprehensive career training that could help you prepare for a number of career opportunities.

Career Opportunities 

Entry Level Construction and Project supervisor assistant

Admission Requirements

  • High school graduation or equivalent (ie GED)
  • 19 years of age
  • Applicants must successfully complete an admissions interview and may be required to do an entrance assessment (Suitability is determined on the basis an applicant’s emotional outlook; physical health, education; the ability to work in a team setting; and life experience)

Program learning objectives/outcomes

  1. Introduction to Construction Project Initiation and planning
  2. What is a project and Project Development Cycle
  3. The construction Contract
  4. Project stages
  5. Managing the project team
  6. Performing Pre-construction services
  7. Estimating Project costs
  8. Contract Administration
  9. Construction Operation
  10. Project Planning and Scheduling
  11. Monitoring Project Performance
  12. Managing Quality, and Safety
  13. Managing Project Risks
  14. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
  15. Sustainability and Built Environment


Tuition:            $985

Registration     $250

Material Fee    $180

This program does not require approval by the registrar of the Private Training
Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training.