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Aiming To Take The TOEFL? Consider These 5 Advantages of Taking the TOEFL

TOEFL is an exam that evaluates non-native English speakers’ English language proficiency. Students who wish to attend an English-speaking university may be required to take the TOEFL exam. Also, they might want to move to an English-speaking country or qualify for an English-speaking job. It’s a great way to show off your English skills and prepare for success in English-speaking environments, no matter why you take the TOEFL preparation course.  Take a look at these five advantages below if you’re still unsure whether or not to take the TOEFL. English skills will improve with TOEFL training. English communication skills are essential for working or studying in an English-speaking institution. You can improve your English skills by training for the TOEFL test. Examinants are divided into different sections to test their English comprehension. These include reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The teams will help you become more comfortable speaking and writing in English and improve your ability to communicate in English. Taking a TOEFL preparation course can develop the English skills necessary for success. You can improve your English skills by preparing for the TOEFL exam The TOEFL is recognized globally  Over 9,000 universities and colleges worldwide recognize and accept the TOEFL test. TOEFL scores are required by many English-speaking countries, such as Australia, to obtain a visa. TOEFL gives you more opportunities in the English-speaking world. TOEFL scores indicate the English abilities needed to succeed in an organization worldwide, which means employers and admissions officers understand the importance of TOEFL scores. It’s Easy to Take the TOEFL Since this test is widely accessible, it is highly convenient to take the TOEFL. TOEFL testing centers are located in more than 165 countries around the world. A one-day test is also available, making it a simple commitment. As the TOEFL exam is such a widely offered exam, many courses can assist you in preparing for it. The level of training you receive at ASC English will prepare you for a great TOEFL score. The TOEFL can be taken in a variety of testing centers around the world TOEFL’s scoring process is fair and accurate One of the reasons the TOEFL test is so widely accepted is its fair and accurate scoring system. Several raters review a TOEFL test to ensure that no mistakes are made and that a candidate is given the correct score. Furthermore, the TOEFL test is divided into four parts, testing your English skills across various areas. Due to the wide range of skills covered by the TOEFL preparation course, your score will accurately reflect your understanding of English.  Take the TOEFL, and you will have many opportunities available to you. To improve your career prospects, you can also take the TOEFL. A good TOEFL score indicates to admissions officers that you will succeed at their institution. You’re more likely to get accepted into an English-language university or college if you have a good TOEFL score. Generally, companies and businesses worldwide require applicants to have a good TOEFL score to be considered for a job opening.  By taking the TOEFL exam, you improve your chances of employment in English-speaking countries. If you want to take a TOEFL or IELTS preparation course in Vancouver, you can reach out to DEA Canadian College.


ESL For Healthcare Professionals Is Important, Here’s Why!

English as a second language, aka ESL for healthcare professionals, is developed for non-native medical professionals or aspiring medical professionals who need English language skills specific to the healthcare field. This course aims to help medical students and professionals establish good vocabulary and enhance listening and speaking skills in English. The ESL course not only helps students and professionals study critical medical terminology but also gets the chance to practice using it in speech and writing.  It is actually essential for non-native healthcare workers to communicate conveniently with patients and coworkers, especially in English-speaking clinical and healthcare centers. As far as we know, many non-native folks are not well-versed in English, so this course will fill the gap and help them score better CLB, i.e. Canadian Language Benchmark levels.  Why should one choose this course? We have mentioned general reasons why one should enroll in such programs. Let’s talk about why English as a Second Language Courses are beneficial.  English is the universal language; used in almost every industry and country!  If you want to study, do business or serve any organization in North American countries, you need to be able to speak English. Many international companies and organizations refuse candidates who don’t have a good grasp of English. This is when one can go with ESL courses to improve industrial communication skills so that you can be successful in any global market. Polishes your cultural awareness; you know the most spoken language in the world! Frankly, individuals need to understand different cultures, languages, habits, and lifestyles to succeed in their profession. English is the common language that people from different countries understand mostly. And, it’s true completing ESL courses means you become more culturally aware as your communication and pronunciation skills are improved. When you complete the program, there are no boundaries for you to travel the world searching for the profession with ease. ESL for healthcare professionals is mandatory! There’s no doubt that English is becoming the language of professionalism. In healthcare, patients come in from all different areas; no wonder they’ll speak many other languages. Obviously, there comes a time when you have to communicate in English no matter what your field or profession is. Whether you are working abroad or at home, being a medical professional someday, at some point, you will need to rely on English to communicate.  Courses like ESL for healthcare professionals, teachers, business and childcare, etc will help you learn some basic English expressions and vocabulary related to the medical field. ESL for healthcare professionals introduces Medical English; this way, you can make your patients feel more comfortable and better understand their needs. You know how crucial communication is in medicine; you can’t afford miscommunication and any kind of ambiguities. With an array of options, and types of levels available in such courses you can easily hit the “Canadian Language Benchmarks.” Most of the ESL for healthcare professionals courses feature: Grammatical structures in scientific language Basic medical vocabulary building Idiomatic expressions in the specific field Intercultural communication practice Scientific writing and speaking In a Nutshell We are here at DEA College, committed to providing ESL courses in Vancouver! All our course levels align directly with the Canadian Language Benchmarks and include topics to cover areas of interest to the student and professionals. You will learn healthcare terminologies and how to communicate in myriad professional situations that appear in the medical sector.


Four Helpful Tips To Pass The CELPIP English Test

Taking the CELPIP exam helps many individuals become permanent residents or citizens of Canada. It’s a very important step towards reaching your goal of living in Canada and designed exclusively by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to examine one’s skills and abilities in the Canadian English language. If you’re preparing to apply for the CELPIP exam, you must prepare yourself to be thoroughly assessed for your writing, speaking, listening, and reading skills in English. This may sound like a daunting task, however, by preparing yourself with helpful tips, you can improve your chances of passing. Read on to discover the four tips you need to improve your chances of the CELPIP English exam. Practice Using A Computer All CELPIP exams are administered on a computer instead of using a pen and paper. Therefore, it’s imperative that you spend a significant amount of time practicing using a computer, along with a mouse and keyboard to improve your speed of use. You want to feel completely comfortable navigating a computer for when the test comes. DEA Canadian College’s CELPIP Vancouver test provides you with a CELPIP exam weekly to become familiar with what to expect and become proficient in all areas of the test. Manage Your Time Wisely The CELPIP exam is delivered completely on a computer and is timed. Although this can seem intimidating, with enough practice and time spent preparing, you will know how to manage your time wisely and effectively during the actual test. The timer will inform you of how much time you have remaining for each section you’re in. Spending your time monitoring the timer can cause anxiety and inhibit focus. Our CELPIP Vancouver exam preparation teaches you how to maximize your time during the test to ensure you’re focused and confident. Always Review Your Work It may be tempting to complete the exam and await the results, but you should always spend some time checking and reviewing your work. If you have time left after completing, which you should with DEA Canadian College preparations, you should thoroughly read over the listening, writing and reading components for any errors you may have missed or to add to any sections you did not fully understand. If you believe that you have answered all questions to the best of your ability afterward, you can wait for the exam to end. Speak Clearly and Naturally Do not worry about your accent during the speaking part of the CELPIP exam. The examiners disregard accents and focus solely on your ability to speak clearly and at a normal, natural pace during the exam. Concentrate on your use of accurate grammar, speaking clearly into the microphone, and answering questions completely. DEA Canadian College offers a CELPIP Vancouver exam preparation course to help individuals prepare and improve their chances of success on the real CELPIP exam. We will help you improve your writing skills, provide you with weekly CELPIP exam examples, test you in all four areas of the test, and help you maximize your time during it. Apply today to register with us!


4 Strategies to Teach Different Levels of ESL Students

One of the most important things to understand when teaching ESL classes or programs is that every student is unique and not everyone in the classroom is on the same level in terms of their knowledge or understanding of the English language. Some students may speak English fluently while others may not understand a single word, yet they will both be in the same class and it can be confusing to know how to teach a group of students who are all on different levels. There are many reasons why ESL students of different levels are often placed in the same class and regardless of the situation, you may find yourself in a challenging position if you are the ESL teacher. If this is ever the case, here are four strategies you can apply to teach different levels of ESL students successfully and effectively: Strategies a seating plan: Remember that you are only one person and as much as you’d like to be everywhere at once, this simply won’t be possible, but strategic seating will allow the students to help each other when you’re busy teaching or attending to a certain group of students. Placing an advanced student beside a beginner is a great way of getting the students to interact and help one another and everyone will benefit from this arrangement and learn a great deal. Expand or modify each activity as you see fit: You may be required to teach from a specific textbook, but there are ways of expanding the assignment to challenge the advanced students or modify it to make it more suitable for beginners. This is a great way of making sure the advanced students are not bored and the beginner students don’t feel lost. Teach in several ways to accommodate all the different learning styles: You can teach the same concept differently; verbally, written format and through visual aids and this is incredibly important to do in a multi-level classroom environment because you will help make sure that no student feels left out or left behind. Presenting the assignment in a way that can be understood by every student, regardless of their learning style preference, will make every student feel comfortable and strengthen their desire to learn. Play games: There’s no better way to learn than when you’re having fun while doing it. Teaching through different games is a fantastic way of getting all the students involved, regardless of their level of understanding of the language. This is a great way of getting the students to interact with one another while you monitor the game to see the strengths and weaknesses of the students. For more information on ESL programs in the North Vancouver area, contact DEA Canadian College to learn more about the programs they offer to help you get ahead! Related: Understanding the difference between TESOL, TEFL, and TESL.  


Everything You Need to Know About TESOL Certification

TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and in order to be this type of teacher, a specific certification is required. This job comes with many benefits and different TESOL certifications and training programs are available, all of which will provide lessons that give potential teachers an understanding of how students learn and how they will be able to help them. The course you enroll in must have a minimum of 120 hours of training; otherwise, you will not receive your certification.  This certification will allow you to teach English to second-language speakers living in an English speaking country. This means you will be able to teach immigrants, expats and study abroad students, for example. This certification is different than other programs that are similar because those may allow you to teach English in a non-English speaking country. Most teaching jobs will treat these certifications as equivalents, which opens many career opportunities as this type of teacher is high in demand. You can choose to teach English to primary school students or professionals who wish to improve their accents. There are a number of possibilities and because there are so many TESOL schools offering job placement help and program maintenance, you can make a career out of teaching English.  TESOL training can be done through online courses or in-person. Regardless of which option you choose, a minimum of 120 hours will be required to successfully receive the certification. There are a few differences between the two training options and many people choose online courses because it is more practical and allows them to complete their training anytime and anywhere. It is also more affordable than in-person TESOL certifications done in a classroom setting.  (Get more information about TESOL CERTIFICATION) In-person training, on the other hand, provides people with the opportunity to gain experience in a classroom environment, which is very beneficial as it allows you to learn and communicate in person, resulting in valuable experience that can only be gained from teaching in front of a class. This will also make you feel a lot more comfortable when the time comes to work with students.  English is a widely spoken language throughout the world and native English-speaking teachers are high in demand, so being TESOL certified has many benefits and can lead you to all sorts of exciting new opportunities, including the chance to experience other cultures while promoting cultural exchange.  If this is a career you’re interested in, DEA Canadian College in Vancouver can help you obtain your TESOL certification through their exam and offers ESL programs as well. Contact them today for more information regarding this exciting career! Related: Understanding the difference between TEFL, TESL and TESOL.


What’s the minimum CELPIP score for Immigration?

The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program is a testing tool that measures listening, reading, writing and English speaking skills. CELPIP assesses a person’s English language skills in all the categories and the results are issued with marks that range from 1 to 12 and the criteria vary based on the program that the person wishes to enter. The language criteria for entering the pool is different for each candidate based on their program, but once they are entered into the pool, every candidate is ranked through the same points system.  Preparing for the CELPIP test will make the process a lot less daunting and the following tips will help you feel confident so that you can achieve the scores you need for immigration:  The first step is to pay very close attention to the recordings because audio files will be played only once. Listening closely will be very helpful so that you don’t miss anything, however, it can still be difficult to remember everything you hear which is why you must take notes. Writing down key points will make the test a lot less stressful and help you remember all of the important information that will be useful to you. Practice makes perfect so try taking notes when listening to the radio or while watching news programs to help you prepare.  Tests are often stressful, but remaining calm and relaxed will help you achieve better results. If you can’t understand a word or a sentence, do not lose focus and continue listening carefully because you may still be able to understand the main points even if there’s a word or two that you’re unfamiliar with. Concentrating too hard on what you missed will cause you to miss other information that may be even more important, so stay focused and you’ll still be able to succeed.  Related: CELPIP VS IELTS: Which test should you take? If you’re having difficulty answering a question, move on so that you don’t waste all of your time on one section. Answer the other questions and if there’s the time, in the end, you can go back to the question you did not answer and work on it if everything else has been completed. Time management is very important so you have to be careful if you want to get through the test on time and answer as many questions as you can.  There is a multiple-choice section of the CELPIP test and there is no penalty for wrong answers, so whenever you’re unsure of the answer, make a guess. Try the process of elimination when you don’t know an answer and get rid of options that you know are wrong to increase your chances of guessing correctly and you may get it right.  These tips will prove to be very useful, but if you need more assistance with your CELPIP exam and are in the Vancouver area contact the DEA Canadian College for more ways to prepare! Related: CELPIP VS IELTS: Which test should you take?  


CELPIP Vs. IELTS: Which Test Should You Take?

If you’re setting your sights on immigrating to Canada, it’s important to understand the immigration requirements that will help you adjust much easier. In fact, scoring high on either the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) can make a significant difference to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).  It can be difficult to decide which test is best for you between the CELPIP and IELTS. DEA Canadian College makes language learning more accessible and is here to help guide you on the components of each exam to decide which is best for you between the two. CELPIP: Explained The CELPIP exam is designed to analyze the language abilities required to obtain a Canadian residency and citizenship. The exam uses Candian English while the test taker reads and listens to Canadian-related content, such as the news. The test is completed using a computer that will spell check at the same time.  Score Breakdown and Preparation The score breakdown for the CELPIP Vancouver is based on a score of 1 to 12 per section. The listening section is made up of 40-46 questions in seven components that take about 47-55 minutes to complete. The reading section is made up of only four components with 38-45 questions, which should be completed in 55-60 minutes. The writing section is made up of two components, which take about 53-60 minutes and require the test taker to write an email and respond to a survey. The final speaking component is 15-20 minutes long, eight components and asks eight short-answer questions. The entirety of the test is completed on the computer and you are able to take sample tests to prepare for the final exam. IELTS: Explained The IELTS test is used across the world for the purpose of study, employment or immigration. Individuals who are planning to take international education should take this test, as it achieves professional recognition and meets international standards. The test is paper-based, and the speaking component of it is done in real-time with the test examiner. Score Breakdown and Preparation The score breakdown of the IELTS test is based on a score from 1 to 9 per section and can score a whole or half bands. The listening component of the exam is made up of 40 questions in four components with a half-hour duration. The reading section is three parts with 40 questions, taking an hour. The writing component is also an hour, with two components with the test-taker writing a letter and responding to a POV or argument. The speaking duration is held in real-time with an examiner over 11-14 minutes in three components, including introduction, individual speech, and a two-way discussion. At DEA Canadian College, we offer comprehensive programs to help prepare students for the language exam they choose. Our certified teachers will offer comprehensive, dynamic teachings to help you develop proficient language skills and feel confident to take the final test. Register with us online to get started on improving your language skills today! Related: What is the minimum CELPIP score for immigration?


Understanding the Differences Between TEFL, TESL and TESOL

TEFL, TESL and TESOL are each teaching certifications for individuals to teach English to those that want to learn the English language. Upon completion of either of the three certifications, the individual is qualified to teach English. However, where and who the individual can teach English to is varied based on their certification.  Want to learn more about TEFL, TESL and TESOL to discover which certification is right for you? DEA Canadian College has put together a guide for you to understand the differences between the three certifications: TEFL – (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) TEFL is the certification that ensures the individual has acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to teach English abroad. With TEFL, you are able to teach English to students who do not speak it as their first language. This certification is the most popular and widely recognized certification of the three across the world. The course educates you on how to teach the English language to students abroad that often have little or no English immersion where they live. The TEFL course is often centred around pertinent student topics such as resume preparation.  DEA Canadian College offers a TEFL preparation course for individuals that want to receive their certification. Our DEA’s Learning Centre’s TOEFL program will educate students in the required skills needed to obtain the TOEFL Core Certificate. TESL – (Teaching English as a Second Language) TESL is a qualification that allows the individual to educate students within Canada or in other countries where the first language is English. The TESL Canada certification allows you to teach those that reside in an English speaking country, but English is not their first language. You are often able to teach international students and newly arrived immigrants as a language support teacher educating students. TESL is recognized as an ESL certification in Canada, which allows you to educate students in native-English private schools or as a teacher at a private language school for immigrants. DEA Canadian College offers an ESL program to help individuals obtain their certification.  TESOL – (Teaching English To Speakers of Other Languages) This certification is for individuals who have an interest in teaching English in English as a first language countries and non-English speaking countries. The course will prepare you with the necessary skills to teach the English language to individuals who speak other languages and other ESL and EFL strategies for teaching. Although the certification is primarily used for domestic teaching, individuals who completed the course could also use their skills internationally. DEA Canadian College’s TESOL program helps individuals prepare for the Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test to give them the opportunity to teach English. DEA Canadian College is here to assist you in acquiring the skills to educate others in the English language. Our various academic programs and friendly staff will help you achieve your teaching dreams. We are accredited by Languages Canada, the national language education association. Register with us online today to get started! Related: Everything You need to know about TESOL Certification.


IELTS Reading: What to Know to Pass Your Test Retake

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a system that grades your English language skills on four components. This includes writing, speaking, reading and listening. Preparation for this type of test can be arduous with many hours of reading, writing, memorizing and preparing. Whether you took the test for immigration or a college application, the test can be difficult and some people are required to redo the initial test. The IELTS is part of the immigration process in Canada and often a requirement, especially for immigrant students attending University. To achieve a passing score on your next test date, here are a few DEA Canadian College tips on what you need to know for the IELTS: Study Vocabulary Carefully Reading frequently exposes you to many different words, phrases and spelling. When learning English, there is a significant amount of emphasis placed on putting words into the proper context each time. Pay close attention to the words you don’t know or understand, underline them and figure out their meaning. Be sure to connect what the word is to the supporting context so you fully understand the word’s use. Listen to challenging materials such as Canadian news to expose yourself to several new words. Consciously use the new words you learn as frequently as possible in conversation or in writing.  It takes 10 to 20 repetitions to have a word become part of your daily speech, so be sure to practice often! Read Often Be sure to have access to a credible English dictionary to be able to look up words at any time. Work out the meanings of these new words and make sure you do not translate back to your first language. During the exam, skim the text quickly to have a general idea of the text and not the specific rationale behind it. The goal is to get the answer correct, so be sure to read the question first, before the text itself. The test is divided into three sections with 40 questions and requiring a score of 7,380 correct answers for you to pass. Practice Your Writing Skills Writing down words consistently is crucial to helping you prepare for the IELTS. Include the word, it’s definition and an example sentence for it for later reference. Say the word out loud and relate it to other English words you know. Here’s another way to enhance your writing skills: Practice Task: Describe the information of what’s being shown and not the dimensions of the diagram itself. Choose important features and the figures to support them. Practice by looking for diagrams, graphs or charts in newspapers or online and analyze them. At DEA Canadian College, we will provide you with the tools and help you need to prepare for your IELTS test in Vancouver. Our IELTS preparation program is dependable, practical and effective in helping students learn the English language. To register for one of our programs or learn more about our services, contact us online today. Related: CELPIP VS IELTS: Which Test Should you take?